<graphviz dot>

digraph greek_vp {

subgraph cluster0 {
  node [style=filled,color=white];
  vp_adj_attr [label="as Adj. \n(xing2 rong2 ci2)"];
  vp_adj_n [label="as Noun \n(ming2 ci2)"];
  vp_adj_pred [label="as Predicate \n(wei4 yu2)"];
  label = "Participle-Adj";
subgraph cluster1 {
  node [style=filled];
  vp_adv[label="as Adv. \n(fu4 ci2)"];
  label = "Participle-Adv";
start -> d1;
d1 -> d2 [label="yes"];
d2 -> vp_adj_attr [label="yes"];
d2 -> vp_adj_n [label="no"];

d1 -> d3 [label="no"];
d3 -> vp_adj_pred [label="yes"];
d3 -> vp_adv [label="no"];
start [label="Participle (VP)"];
d1 [shape=diamond, label="IF Definite-Article? \n(ding4 guan4 ci2)"];
d2 [shape=diamond, label="IF Noun the same form?"];
d3 [shape=diamond, label="IF Noun the same form?"];

